
Saints row 2 remastered
Saints row 2 remastered

saints row 2 remastered saints row 2 remastered

Adorably, it was also before I cursed regularly, so I’d censor myself so as to not get whooped by my aunt. This was back before I knew that most people find it annoying when others just belt out every word to every song they hear, especially if they’re butchering it, as I likely was. I absolutely lost it every time My Chemical Romance’s “Teenagers” would play. My favorite song that’d come on was one I didn’t even know was from one of my favorite bands growing up. I’ve never heard so much Jet as when I flitted back and forth between these games for weekends on end. At about the same time that 11-year-old me was playing this on my cousin’s PS3, they also had Rock Band, so I was just absolutely inundated with the stuff. Generation X was home to a lot of early 2000s punk, emo and alternative music, which would end up not just defining my tastes but awakening me to music in general. Veteran Child may have been a mistake but his taste in music kind of slapped. So yes, just all around yikes, but bear with me for just a second. In Saints Row 2, there is a radio station called Generation X, operated by a…white Rastafarian burnout named Veteran Child, who I just discovered is voiced by Neil Patrick Harris. While nothing good could presumably come out of playing a 13-year-old game that has aged so incredibly poorly, I did manage to enjoy my time with it for one particular reason. Last week, I randomly booted up Saints Row 2 for the hell of it.

Saints row 2 remastered