Of the seventeen Daedric Princes, sixteen have an artifact attributed to them in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.Before these artifacts can be obtained, however, specific tasks called Daedric quests must be performed. ⭕Skyrim SE Mods - Leviathan Axe - Dwemer Artifacts. It should be loaded after any item changes or fixes such as … Lorefriendly quest for obtaining the items. This collection of mods aims to fix these problems by improving several of the artifacts in Skyrim.

Due to coding errors, it levels up two-handed, but benefits from one-handed perks. In short I decided to start this post so those using the mod could post where they found artifacts from the mod as a resource to those using it in the future. Scoped Bows is a mod that adds scopes in the most lore-friendly way possible.