Make sure you’ve got the Dawnguard expansion installed, as you’ll need it for the mod to work. The only way to marry Serana or any other vampire is through the use of a mod. Skyrim doesn’t actually allow you to marry any vampires through regular in-game actions. You can notice Ulfric Stormcloak using Unrelenting Force (Fus Ro Dah) if you fight him in the Battle for Windhelm (part of the Imperial Legion Civil War questline) or if you fight beside him in the Battle for Solitude (part of the Stormcloak Civil War questline). – After all this is done, return to Surgus and he will make you High King. Todo so simply walk up to the NPC you want to die, Mark him with a new dialogue option then return to Surgus and pay him 1500 gold and he will take care of your problem for you. How do you become High King of Skyrim v2? As SuperSajuuk said, there’s no option for becoming a Jarl in the vanilla versions of Skyrim and it’s DLCs.

The most you can become is Thane in the holds. … Since Elisif doesn’t normally have the dialogue for marriage the conditions are not easily met and may cause problems. Normally you can’t marry Elisif the Fair, it requires a mod that is known to be a bit buggy. “Players who become Emperor will get a full skill line that they keep throughout the rest of their lives in The Elder Scrolls Online,” Sage said. If your Alliance takes control of all the keeps around the Imperial City, the player with the most of these points becomes Emperor.

I don't think DB has claim to the throne, but s/he might be able to become a grey eminence with stormcloaks under his control. What would happen to DB's position if both Ulfric and Galmar died, assuming that s/he is ambitious and we ignore non-civil war questline(including defeating aludu'in and becoming the savior of the world)?

However, I wonder if DB can even vie for the kingship? Or would a new high king be chosen among one of the Jarls, and DB would become something like a military supreme general? The Dragonborn is like the third in command, right? It probably means that if Galmar and Ulfric are to perish in an unfortunate accident, s/he will be in control of stormcloaks.