Smartphone (8) Windows 7 (6) Tips (4) Windows (4) Windows 8 (4) Android (3) Google (3) Linux (3) Sony (3) Xperia (3) launches (3) Andriod (2) Apple (2) Facebook (2) Intel (2) Nexus (2) Nokia (2) Nokia X (2) Samsung (2) Software (2) Upgrading (2) Virus (2) Windows XP (2) website (2) ASP. vbs file and click Create shortcut to have a shortcut of the the file on desktop. Users who would like to have a keyboard shortcut need to follow the next two steps as well. vbs file to switch to the next desktop background.

That’s it! You can now do a double-click on the newly created. SetWshShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Your Notepad application and then paste the below code in the Notepad. The next best step is to highlight the section and Shift+F3 to proper case (though you will. Just follow the given below steps to create a shortcut to perform “next desktop background” action. Right click on the image, select Set as Desktop Background. Windows 7 and Windows 8 users who love to have themes will be glad to know that it’s actually possible to create a shortcut to switch to the next desktop background.

And if you want to fill your desktop with custom folders, here's how to create a folder in Windows 10.Of course, when we are on desktop, we can press Shift + F10 keys followed by N key to switch to the next desktop background but we have a better solution that automates clicking above keys and lets you switch to the next background with a click. To learn how to place website links on your desktop, check out our guide on how to create website shortcuts on your desktop with Chrome.