
Next desktop background shortcut
Next desktop background shortcut

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next desktop background shortcut

That’s it! You can now do a double-click on the newly created. SetWshShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Your Notepad application and then paste the below code in the Notepad. The next best step is to highlight the section and Shift+F3 to proper case (though you will. Just follow the given below steps to create a shortcut to perform “next desktop background” action. Right click on the image, select Set as Desktop Background. Windows 7 and Windows 8 users who love to have themes will be glad to know that it’s actually possible to create a shortcut to switch to the next desktop background.

next desktop background shortcut next desktop background shortcut

And if you want to fill your desktop with custom folders, here's how to create a folder in Windows 10.Of course, when we are on desktop, we can press Shift + F10 keys followed by N key to switch to the next desktop background but we have a better solution that automates clicking above keys and lets you switch to the next background with a click. To learn how to place website links on your desktop, check out our guide on how to create website shortcuts on your desktop with Chrome.

Next desktop background shortcut