The Wii edition, as with most Wii ports, makes use of the Wii remote as the handlebars of the motorcycle to bring a much more realistic feel to the title.Ĭapcom editions have carried a reputation for a more realistic sim racer than the MotoGP games published by THQ, who have been acused of a more arcadey style. This also marks the first time in recent years that the 125cc and 250cc support classes are available in addition to the MotoGP class. Its in the replays that Moto GP really shines notwithstanding the Gran Turismo playback feature there is nothing more beautiful than this game-at times its easy to forget the TV is displaying a computer-generated image and not straight from Sky TV.The 2008 edition of the MotoGP franchise is the first time a single developer, Capcom, will bring the game to all current system platforms. Graphically its a total treat in-game images are good and sharp and theres no slow-down as you hammer around the circuits. The bikes are fully configurable with settings for a myriad of different components and attributes that should keep the serious bike fan happy for hours.

Multiple modes are as usual offered for your gaming pleasure including the chance to run the tracks in Arcade mode or go for a full season of racing-impressive when youve only got five tracks.

Get over these initial difficulties however and what you have is a wonderful game that falls somewhere between an arcade game and simulation without ever straying too far into either camp. In the early stages its a swine to control your rider weaving all over the track like a drunk with a major stability problem. However from the instant the starting flag drops it becomes obvious that this is no standard racer. Take one lightweight death-trap add a loony madman in a leather suit-you the player-and take off around five real-world tracks modelled right down to the last blade of grass. Formula 1 is fast but the cars look like speedy elephants when compared to the crazily unstable looking shape of a 350 or 500cc motorbike. As motor sports go there are few more thrilling than motorcycling.