
Elder scrolls khajiit lore
Elder scrolls khajiit lore

elder scrolls khajiit lore

The Alfiq and Alfiq-raht are the closest in resemblance to domesticated cats, but still intelligent enough to understand human speech. Although they are not known to speak, they are said to be as intelligent as any other Khajiit, and are used frequently as battle mounts by the Cathay. Of the quadrupedal forms of Khajiit, the most well known is the Senche, These particular Khajiit highly resemble tigers that are roughly the same height as Humans and Senche-raht, which are nearly twice as large. The fourth and final bipedal form are the Tojay and Tojay-raht, but very little is known of them, as they tend to live deep in the southern marshes and forests, away from civilization. They are described as having "pointed ears, wide yellow eyes, mottled pied fur and a tail like a whip", they also have very limited speech. These particular Khajiit are known to make up most of the Khajiiti army and defence forces. The popular fictional series " A Dance in Fire" depicts multiple encounters with these Khajiit. These are particularly feline looking creatures, and are much stronger and faster than Humans or Mer. Visitors and likely intruders to Elsweyr often encounter the Cathay and Cathay-raht, which are often described as "jaguar men". They have more variety in their fur and facial features, and make up most of the Khajiit which can be found in Morrowind. The Suthay-raht, and their smaller cousins the Suthay, are more feline, however they are still distinctive humanoids. Those who live on the outskirts of Elsweyr and outside of the region often tattoo their faces to distinguish themselves as much as possible from the Mer. A lesser subtype, the Ohmes, appear almost identical to Bosmer. They strongly resemble humans, albeit with light fur and a distinct tail. The Ohmes-raht make up most of the Khajiit in the areas which are more populated by humans, such as Cyrodiil and High Rock. Outside of Elsweyr, only one or two subtypes of Khajiit are typically seen in a given area. Some scholars have claimed as many as twenty different breeds, but only seventeen have been identified and named to date.

elder scrolls khajiit lore

The location of the moon is also said to determine the Primary form of the Khajiit, whether it is to look more Feline, or Human. Each Khajiit is unique in appearance as the determining factor of their appearance is not their ancestors, but the phase of the Moon was at the time of birth of the particular Khajiit. The Khajiit race has several different, very distinctive sub-types, all of which look very different from each other yet still very Feline in appearance. They are an intelligent, feline race and are well known for their natural prowess in agility and stealth.

elder scrolls khajiit lore

Khajiit are one of the ten playable races in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Elder scrolls khajiit lore